Visitor Brochures Make a World of Difference to Businesses and Communities
Here's how visitor brochures impact:
- Research confirms that visitor brochures stimulate billions in spending each year, supporting local businesses and communities.
- The members of Visitor International - the International Association of Visitor Information Providers distribute over 535 million brochures annually, reaching over 1.8 billion readers during their trips.
- This results in billions in spending each year on goods and services, including on accommodation, attractions, restaurants, entertainment, shopping, trips and transport, car rental, and more.
- This spending helps pay local wages, salaries, profits and taxes.
- This subsequently supports the development of local economies - and helps support investment in accommodation, infrastructure, amenities, attractions, schools and colleges, shopping, transportation, technology, and more.
There is also a BOOMERANG EFFECT associated with visitor brochures. They guide visitors to great local experiences, helping to ensure they have a wonderful time. Happy visitors return again and again and tell their friends and families to visit.
You can download a copy of the 7-page PDF report here (1.3mb)